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[SIMUTools09] Fuzz-iDEVS: Towards a fuzzy toolbox for discrete event systems

In this paper, we present a set of tools for the simulation of fuzzy systems. The described methods allow to take into account and to handle a lot of imperfect parameters for the studied systems. The methods developed are based on fuzzy logic and DEVS formalism. Their goal is to expand fields of application of simulation environments, and to foster interdisciplinary collaborations. At first, we have applied them to study the spread of forest fires. This application was developed in collaboration with the fire-fi ghters.

Keywords: Simulation, Fuzzy Toolbox, Discrete Event, Fuzzy System, Fuzzy Logic

Conférence: SIMUTools
Full name of the Conference: Second International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques
PAUL-ANTOINE BISGAMBIGLIA | Mise à jour le 22/01/2009